
Far-right internet troll Ian Miles Cheung blamed the whole situation on Krauszek, whom he labeled a “woke, race-obsessed idiot” years ago, citing posts on X where Krauszek systematically Recognized the existence of racism and white privilege.

“Now we’ve given our crazy lie superhuman intelligence,” said Jordan Patterson. wrote Along with a link to a story about the situation on his X account.

But the reality is that Gemini, or any similar creative AI system, does not possess “superhuman intelligence,” whatever that means. If anything, this situation suggests the opposite is true.

As Marks points out, Gemini cannot distinguish between a historical request, such as asking to show the Apollo 11 crew, and a contemporary request, such as asking for photos of current astronauts.

Historically, AI models incl OpenAI’s Dall-E suffers from bias., showing non-white people when asked for pictures of inmates, say, or showing exclusively white people when prompted to show the CEO. Sasha Luccioni, a researcher at AI startup Hugging Face, says Gemini’s problems may not reflect the model’s flexibility, “but rather an overcompensation when Gemini represents diversity.” “Prejudice is really a spectrum, and it’s really hard to strike the right note taking into account things like historical context.”

When combined with the limitations of AI models, that calibration can be particularly poor. “Image generation models don’t really have a concept of time,” says Luccioni, “so basically any diversification technique that Gemini’s creators have implemented is any model generated by would be broadly applicable to Fig. I think that’s what we’re seeing here.

As the nascent AI industry grapples with how to combat bias, Luccioni says finding the right balance in terms of representation and diversity will be difficult.

“I don’t think there’s a single right answer, and a ‘neutral’ model doesn’t exist,” Lucioni said. “Different companies have taken different positions on this. It certainly sounds ridiculous, but Google seems to have taken one. Bridgerton approach to photographing, and I think that’s kind of refreshing.
