
Creating a website is a complex process that involves several steps. It is best to focus on testing a website during the development phase as users are unlikely to appreciate freezing and slow loading. If you want to build a fast and reliable website and are looking for an experienced. Custom software developers, this article is for you. You will learn the importance of load testing while developing a website.

Summary of statistics related to a web page displayed on a laptop screen - example image.Summary of statistics related to a web page displayed on a laptop screen - example image.

Summary of statistics related to a web page displayed on a laptop screen – example image. Image credit: Lukas Blazek via Unsplash, free license

What is load testing?

This is an effective way to identify service vulnerabilities as the load increases. Depending on the set goals, unique scenarios are created:

  1. Smooth increase in number of users every minute.
  2. A sudden surge of spectators.
  3. Users are experiencing slow internet loading.
  4. A significant number of requests originating from the same IP address.
  5. All clients choose a specific service.
  6. A rapid influx of new visitors trying to register.

In other words, it is an evaluation of how the platform copes with different load intensities.

Perhaps it is now more clear why load testing is important when developing custom programs, online stores, or online cinemas. Qualitative testing is offered by software development companies like Join to IT, where testers, together with developers, create an evaluation plan for a specific product. An individualized approach to testing allows you to take into account the unique characteristics of the business and the platform on which the business is hosted.

Aims and objectives of load testing

No product is released without thorough research. The scope of testing tasks can vary significantly: from evaluating the design of the “Exit” button, to matching page background colors with platform resistance, to processing thousands of simultaneous user requests. Not more than 3 seconds together.

Load test missions include:

  1. Marks memory and CPU usage.
  2. Site response time measurement with 10x increase in users.
  3. Server overheating during continuous use by all authorized users.
  4. Measuring the time it takes for a database to respond to a continuous increase in the number of requests.
  5. Studying site response when all users download large video files simultaneously.
  6. Site stability with 3 million users concurrent visits.

There are many possible aspects of the test, but it is important to choose specific, defined tasks for control. It is impossible to test all aspects at the same time as it requires different tools and methods.

Types of Load Testing

Load testing, like any other type of testing, is divided into several categories:

  1. For stability (testing the performance of a structure over a long period of time).
  2. For fault tolerance (estimating the mechanism’s recovery speed after migration to a new server).
  3. for recovery (determines the time for the system to return to critical conditions).
  4. Check the network under standard load.
  5. A scalability test that evaluates the duration of deployment of other clusters.
  6. A stress test that increases strength to extreme values ​​to evaluate system behavior.
  7. For volume (checking the capacity of the device to handle maximum users).
  8. On potential capacities (assessment of system limitations – for example, maximum number of visitors, volume of information, etc.).

Because the control does not evaluate functionality, the boundaries between types may overlap. A stress test can turn into a volume test and then a scalability test. If one of the options does not go well, questions of recovery arise. Therefore, experts guide according to specific needs.

Load testing steps

To find the weak points of a service it is important to increase its endurance. Careful study is used in different situations depending on its purpose.

Most often, this process is carried out according to a clearly structured scheme:

  • A complete analysis of the program.
  • Interact with the customer to clearly identify the essence of the condition.
  • Creating a plan that takes into account the unique aspects of the platform.
  • Creation of detailed methods and scripts for effective testing.
  • Systematic analysis, collection of information, identification of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Competent preparation of reporting documents provides clear results.
  • A review of the implementation of the questions asked, and comparison with the original test plan.

Load testing tools

On the production server, load Testing Performed only when absolutely necessary. Developers create an environment that mimics real-life conditions as closely as possible, including identical servers, Internet connection speeds, databases, and software parameters. This is to prevent customer service issues in the event of a failure.

Experts select funds according to the defined plan, determining which loads to simulate and which parameters to measure during modeling.

For example, J. Mater is a free and open source power monitoring tool. It is capable of compressing most Internet protocols, providing virtual authorization on portals, and supporting additional plugins.

Another option is Graphana, which helps you track key metrics. For example, it can be used to determine the number of users generating 1000 requests per second and correlate this information with the total load on the platform.

Apache JMeter is a tool that has gained a lot of popularity among testers. It is open source with a simple Java interface and has extensive features and plugins. The only drawback is the lack of JavaScript support.

There are many other useful tools and methods when doing load testing. For example Load Ninja and K6. Although their use does not require specific knowledge, an understanding of the principles of operation and purpose is essential. Their selection and use is best left to experts. Load Ninja

Final thoughts

A slow website with poor usability can turn customers away from even the best products available on the platform. If you value your time and resources, it’s best to develop effective solutions that help you gain confidence in optimal performance and platform reliability. We recommend contacting JoinToIT, which offers pre-defined software development services. Their focus is on high quality testing during web development. In addition, the company provides services for iOS and Android application development, UI and UX design, cross-platform development, etc.
