
Earning up to $60 an hour, Jay was an early recruit, joining Remotasks a month ago. OpenAI unveils ChatGPT to the world.. Since then, the platform has been accelerating the search for expert data workers. In January 2024, WIRED found, the company posted job ads that included speakers of more than 20 different European languages, as well as those based in the United States. Creative writers, Sports journalists, Chemistry expertsAnd Nuclear physicist.

“Left to its own devices, creative AI can be deceptive,” Premack says, “and even if it’s realistic, there are ways to refine the answers to make them more comprehensive.” Can.” Experts are essential, she says, “to ultimately produce data that really pushes the envelope in terms of what AI is capable of.”

Premack says Remotax still maintains a “large operational footprint” in the Philippines. But the majority of the company’s new specialist contractors are in the US, she says, while many of the language postings are in Europe where native speakers live. Primack has been tight-lipped about what exactly prompted the shift. Were certain scale AI clients asking for more expert data, or did the company try to anticipate what the next generation of AI would need? “It’s a combination of both,” she says, explaining that the experts are training on data from not just one but many clients.

Researchers have their own theories about what these expert roles mean for the direction of the AI ​​industry.

“Previously, most of the AI ​​technologies we use are trained on what we call large , called data sets full of garbage.” OpenAI created ChatGPT in part by scrapping the internet and paying workers Kenya To flag toxic materials. But such data has to be scraped. Litigation with publishers and rights owners., and many prominent publishers now stop data collection. Miceli says paying experts provides one solution.

“In the last year, companies are actually creating new data to avoid these types of corporate copyright complaints,” Miceli says. If you receive services, and you pay them, you own the rights to those texts. You no longer have a copyright problem.”

Since the debut of ChatGPT, the study after the the study Is Forecasting disruption in industries The U.S. and Europe are typically dominated by college-educated individuals—a workforce previously generally considered immune to technological change. Despite them ConcernsThe wages on offer can make it difficult for some people to pass up training gigs which can lead to their obsolescence.

Pay for specialist roles varies by skill. one Infectious disease specialist Remotetasks can earn up to $40 per hour, according to current job postings, while Historians $32 an hour is offered. People hired to train algorithms in specific languages ​​get less. Oh Bulgarian writer The job was advertised at an hourly rate of $5.64, while job listings appeared Finnish speakers Can earn about five times that, at $23 an hour.
