
The defenders of Ukraine have supporters in many different countries and military aid continues to flow from all sides. This means that the armed forces of Ukraine have all kinds of weapons and some of them are neglected because they are old, not advanced. For example, Ukraine uses the Swedish 90 mm. step back Gun Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 for targeting Russian tanks.

Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 in Estonian service.Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 in Estonian service.

Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 in Estonian service. Image credit: via Defense Association Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 2.0)

The Pansarvärnspjäs 1110, abbreviated as Pv-1110, was developed in the early 1950s, entered production in 1959 and entered service with the Swedish forces in the 1960s. It is a large 90mm recoilless gun, designed to engage Soviet tanks.

At the end of the Pv-1110’s barrel, you see a vented horn-shaped case. This bell-shaped device allows propellant gas to escape, counteracting the natural recoil experienced by front-fired projectiles. This is why it is a recoilless gun rather than a missile system. It fires rounds like an artillery system and not rockets or missiles like Javelin or NLAW. That’s why that recoil mechanism is so important – it’s basically a smooth gun.

The Pv-1110 can use a variety of ammunition, but it is a powerful gun. For example, the Spårljuspansarspränggranat m/62 is a 10.7 kg heat round that penetrates 380 mm or so of armor. Meanwhile, the Spårljuspansarspränggranat m/84 penetrates 800 mm of armor. Russian tanks hardly stand a chance of avoiding this kind of energy. Reactive armor tiles help, but an accurate show will wipe out any T-72, T-80 or even T-90M.

Pv-1110 is 4.1 meters long. With the vehicle, it weighs a little over 260 kg. Usually, it is mounted on the back of a truck or any light vehicle, but it can also be mounted on self-propelled armored vehicles.

The effective firing range of the Pv-1110 is not that long – only 900 meters. Mostly because it goes wrong past that point – remember, it’s just a smooth gun. The Pv-1110 has optical sights and uses a 7.62 mm Ag m/42 based spotting rifle to ensure better accuracy. As a backup, the Pv-1110 also has iron sights.

Sweden withdrew its Pv-1110 from service in the 1990s. Some were put into storage, some were donated to the Baltic countries and some have now reached Ukraine. Since the Pv-1110 is more of an artillery weapon than a missile system, it has no guidance or anything of the sort, but each shot is much cheaper than more advanced anti-tank guns. It’s a big thing and has a crew of 3, but in the defensive positions in Ukraine the Pv-1110 fits perfectly.

Ukraine has an incredible variety of weapons on its front lines. Hopefully, they’ll be able to control the variety and allocate all these different systems in a way that leverages their strengths. The Pv-1110 is a great weapon, even if a little old, and can be very effective in defensive positions and ambushes.

written by Povelas M.

Source: Max 23 Twitter, Wikipedia
