
The gut microbe

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You may not have heard of hydrogen sulfide, but I bet you recognize the smell. Hydrogen sulfide That gas is responsible for the rotten egg smell you get near standing water and in drains. It is also a gas. Highly toxic When inhaled.

You may be surprised to know that the same types of bacteria that produce this highly toxic gas also live in your intestines. Bilophila wadsworthia is one such type of bacteria. Although these bacteria make up only a small part of the gut microbiome, we should not underestimate their importance.

Bacteria that break down sulfur. and producing hydrogen sulfide are aptly called sulfate-reducing bacteria. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are anaerobic – meaning they die when exposed to oxygen. This is why stagnant water, which is not deoxygenated by circulation, can allow these micro-organisms to bloom and produce hydrogen sulfide.

Small amounts of hydrogen sulfide occur naturally in the human body. In the intestine, this compound is produced by human cells as a signaling molecule to regulate bowel movements. Hydrogen sulfide also helps colon cells absorb the energy they need to function.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria live in our intestines and create hydrogen sulfide. This is an important process, because these bacteria use hydrogen as part of this reaction.

If the bacteria weren’t there to use the hydrogen, the metabolic process in our gut that breaks down food molecules so they can be used for energy would stop. This is because hydrogen is a natural product of microbial fermentation. If these hydrogen-using bacteria weren’t there, the partial pressure of hydrogen would increase and eventually stop fermentation.

This would be bad news because we need good bacteria in our gut to ferment the fiber we provide them. This is because they can form all sorts of important, health-promoting compounds, e.g Short chain fatty acidswhich are molecules that keep our gut healthy.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria are an important part of the normal human gut microbiome, and the human intestinal environment requires small amounts of hydrogen sulfide. But increased amounts of either can harm us.

Bilophila wadsworthia is unusual, in that it is the only known species of sulfate-reducing bacteria that is unable to utilize sulfate. The bacterium instead breaks down taurine, a molecule found in meat and dairy products.

Bilophila wadsworthia was discovered in the 1980s, when it was found in people who had Acute appendicitis. Researchers found that it grows really well in galls, which is why the genus name is bilophylla (which means gall-loving). And, because the bacterium was first identified at the Wadsworth Veterans Administration Medical Center in the United States, it was given the species name “wadsworthia.”

Since then, research has linked Bilophila wadsworthia to adverse effects on the gut. is attached to Inflammatory diseasesAs , and colorectal cancer.

But is Bluephylla wadsworthia a real baddie, or just a misconception? Despite being associated with inflammation, it is part of it. A normal, healthy microbiome Between 50% and 60% of people. Differences between Bluephylla wadsworthia in our view Health and disease It can be reduced by how much it grows and how much hydrogen sulfide it makes.

So in small amounts, Bilophila wadsworthia seems to be helpful, making a little bit of hydrogen sulfide that helps prevent harmful disease. But if Bluephylla grows too much or makes too much hydrogen sulfide, it Trigger inflammation In the intestine

It is not clear how and why Bleuphila wadsworthia can expand into the intestine. My research is working to understand how Bleuphila wadsworthia growth and hydrogen sulfide production are affected by various factors such as diet and gut microbiota composition.

If we know what factors are important for overgrowth or reproduction of Bilophila wadsworthia. we can use targeted prevention that can help us control and prevent. In the intestine

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Reference: Meet Bilophila wadsworthia—a gut microbe that’s both friend and foe (2024, Feb. 16) Accessed 17 Feb. 2024 at https://phys.org/news/2024-02-bilophila-wadsworthia-gut-microbe-friend. Retrieved from html

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