
Cornell quantum researchers have discovered a mysterious phase of matter, called the Bragg glass phase, using large amounts of X-ray data and a new Machine learning data analysis Tool’s discovery resolves a long-standing question of whether this nearly – but not quite – ordered state of Bragg glasses can exist in real materials.

Crystal structure of pure ErTe3Crystal structure of pure ErTe3

Crystal structure of pure ErTe3

paper,”Bragg Glass Signatures in PdxErTe3 with X-ray Diffraction Temperature Clustering (X-TEC)“was published in Nature Physics. Its lead author is Krishnanand Madhukar Mallya, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Physics at the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S). Eun Ah Kim, Professor of Physics (A&S), is the corresponding author. The research was done in collaboration with scientists from Argonne National Laboratory and Stanford University.

The researchers present the first evidence of a Bragg glass phase as detected by X-ray scattering, a probe that accesses the whole material, in a systematic disorder, as opposed to the surface of a material. . charge density wave (CDW) material, PdxErTe3. They used composite X-ray data and a novel machine learning data analysis tool, X-ray Temperature Clustering (X-TEC).

“Despite its theoretical prediction three decades ago, concrete experimental evidence for a CDW Bragg glass in most crystals remains missing,” said Mallya.

Source: Cornell University
