
The war in Ukraine is the first war of this scale, where both sides have many advantages. The drone, robots and electronic warfare devices. It’s definitely a great lesson in military technology and how effective simple tools can be. And here’s a great example of this new kind of warfare – Ukrainian defenders shot down a Russian drone using electronic warfare weapons and then took it out of the field using robots.

A robot is dragging a drone that was taken down by an electronic warfare system - a new kind of warfare.A robot is dragging a drone that was taken down by an electronic warfare system - a new kind of warfare.

A robot is dragging a drone that was taken down by an electronic warfare system – a new kind of warfare. (screen shot)

Ukrainian troops have successfully intercepted a Russian Orlan 30 spy drone The Defense Blog reports. The drone was pretty much intact in the hands of the Ukrainians, as it was probably brought down by electronic warfare. The Ukrainians used some kind of anti-drone weapon – like some kind of jammer.

Electronic warfare or electromagnetic warfare defines the use of the electromagnetic spectrum or even direct energy to attack certain capabilities of an opposing party. Anti-drone jammers fall squarely into the category of electronic warfare weapons.

Jammers, as you might guess, produce confusing radio signals, which completely mess with the drone’s brain. The UAV is either lost due to disconnection from the operator or shuts down and falls from the sky. Like the giant Russian spy drone Orlan 30, which also represents this new era of armed combat, as it is an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Even more interestingly, the Orlan-30 fell in the so-called gray zone – an area of ​​the battlefield that neither Ukrainian nor Russian troops had complete control over. It would be difficult and dangerous to lift a large drone from there. Therefore, another important innovation – a wheeled robot – was used for this mission.

To top off this high-tech war sandwich, a Ukrainian drone filmed a robot towing a Russian Orlan-30 toward Ukrainian defenders’ positions:

A drone in near-perfect condition would allow a closer look at the technology used by Russian UAV manufacturers. Perhaps the Ukrainian experts will be able to detect the weak points of this drone, which will later be used in defense against them.

The Orlan-30 is one of Russia’s better spy drones, also used for artillery fire correction. It is basically an improved Orlan-10 that can fly further and carry heavier loads. The Orlan-30 is primarily used as an artillery support drone and may have a laser designator (it primarily marks the target) to improve the accuracy of other weapon systems.

Orlan-30 has a wingspan of 4 meters, weighs 30 kg. It can reach a maximum speed of 170 km/h and reach a height of 4.5 km. Orlan-30 lasts up to 18 hours.

written by Povelas M.

Sources: Tech.wp.pl, Wikipedia
