
If you’re worried that the content you’ve paid someone to write is computer-generated, chances are your suspicions may be correct.

Artificial Intelligence - Artistic Expression.Artificial Intelligence - Artistic Expression.

Artificial Intelligence – Artistic Expression.

Reading sentences that seem a little too Perfect? A bot probably spat them out. And sure, the words you’re reading make sense, but are they catchy, relevant, and catchy? The truth is that computers can’t write emotional, compelling content the same way humans can. Are you able to relate to the writer on an emotional level? And perhaps most importantly – is the content even fun to read or interesting?

If you find yourself shaking your head, it’s time to engage the services of a content writing agency you can trust. Many SEO agencies claim to specialize in this. White Label Link Building ServicesBut, are they reliable in terms of the content they are producing? Here’s how you can tell. Aside from going through the pain of resorting to AI detection tools like ZeroGPT, here are 4 red flags you can easily spot when it comes to AI-generated content.

Tip #1: Notice the lack of emotion

Let’s not sugarcoat it: if a piece of writing is completely devoid of emotion, it’s unlikely that a human wrote it. That is, unless the person in question has a potato-like personality.

In this sense, being able to inject your writing with your own personality is a skill that humans always have overboots. Computer-generated content – ​​while it can flow quite well in terms of readability – is usually unremarkable, dull, and downright boring. Yes, an AI bot can talk about a topic when you input the topic into its parameters. But, is it interesting to read the answer? no chance.

The key to humane writing, then, is being able to capture your feelings – and make your reader feel them too. Get feedback! Share your real thoughts and perspectives on things that matter to you. If nothing else, emotional writing makes for a more engaging read, especially when compared to the monotony of a computer-generated piece.

Tip #2: Identify the missing individuality.

Individually, we all have unique experiences to share. As a writer, then, being able to achieve this uniqueness is what separates us from AI. As it stands, computers are not (at least, currently) sentient beings, nor are they capable of reality.

Leaning into your own individual, unique voice as a human author is what makes human-generated content so much better than anything computer-generated. It’s this uniqueness that makes a great deal of content stand out – and also makes search engines like Google consider it a reliable source. First and foremost, Google prefers content that reflects what is said. EEAT: Expertise, Experience, Authenticity, and Confidence. These are qualities that only human writing can express, because they are derived from real, unique and authentic lived experiences.

Tip #3: Avoid repetitive writing

Is the piece of content in front of you showing telltale signs of repetition? That is, are you finding that the way the sentences are constructed, and the syntax being used, is repeating itself? This is another big AI red flag.

Also, the content is duplicating its points, or repeating useless or generic information. On the other hand, a human content piece will often include real data or research findings to back up the point it is trying to get across. It’s our ability to present the reader with specific details, rather than relying on generalities, that sets human-written content apart from the dribble that can be churned out by an AI bot.

Tip #4: If it sounds too perfect, it probably is.

Last but not least – perfection is not always a good thing! Impeccable writing, clearly free of grammatical errors or typos Very likely to be computer generated.. The truth is that we are only human and humans make mistakes. But that’s what makes us – and our content – ​​so great. Making mistakes makes us more relatable to others, and is essentially what separates humans from machines.
