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Employees who are more mindful in the digital workplace are better protected from stress, anxiety and overload, a new study has found.

Researchers from the University of Nottingham’s Schools of Psychology and Medicine conducted the analysis. From 142 employees. The results are out. published I Plus one.

School of Psychology PhD student Elizabeth Marsh led the mixed-methods study and said, “As work is increasingly mediated. We wanted to know how it was affecting people’s health and whether there were ways to reduce it. We felt that being digital mindfully and confidently should be considered key elements of living a healthy digital work life in the 21st century.”

Participants in the study were surveyed about their experiences of the dark side effects of the digital workplace which were identified; Stress, overload, anxiety, fear of missing out and addiction and how it affected their health.

The results showed that more digitally confident workers were less likely to experience digital anxiety in the workplace, while those who were more mindful were better protected against all the dark side effects. 14 Data from the interviews also identified ways that digital mindfulness can help protect well-being.

Dr. Alexa Spence, associate professor of psychology, added, “Digital workplace technologies such as email, And Stress has been shown to contribute to perceptions of stress by employees and the stress employees may experience when adapting to an ever-evolving digital workplace can lead to burnout and poor health.”

Mindfulness is defined as a state of awareness that involves paying attention deliberately and non-judgmentally to the present moment. The study found that employees who were smarter were less likely to experience the negative effects of the dark side of the digital workplace.

Elvira Pérez Vallejos, Professor of Digital Technologies for Mental Health, said, “Research shows that organizations need to consider how workplace digital, along with other psychological and physical risks in the workplace. How to manage risks.Helping employees develop. When working digitally can really contribute to overall well-being.”

More information:
Digital with Mind and Confidence: A Mixed Methods Study on Personal Resources to Reduce the Dark Side of Digital Working Plus one (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295631

Reference: Mindfulness at work protects against stress and burnout, study finds (2024, February 23) Retrieved February 23, 2024 from https://phys.org/news/2024-02-mindfulness-stress-burnout.html has been

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