
Doubly durable quantum computer

Defining quantum advantage – (CC) Olivier Ezratty, 2023. Credit: Towards regenerative quantum computing with proven positive sustainability effects(2024)

In the future, the use of quantum computers could play an important role in promoting greater sustainability in global development. It was shown in a White paperwhich was recently presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai and included contributions from the HPCQS Consortium.

Quantum computers have the ability to solve certain problems in a much more energy-efficient manner than traditional computers. They also promise new insights into a number of issues that are considered key to global sustainable development. Even if they can’t physically perform a task, according to one overarching reference, today’s information technologies already require a lot of energy. Study by Huawei.

Specifically, big data and Centers are among the major users. However, it is not only cloud services on the Internet but also supercomputers in research and industry that demand a lot of energy. Frontier, currently the world’s fastest supercomputer, uses more than 500 megawatt-hours of electricity per day, the same amount of electricity used by 17,000 households.

Quantum computers, in contrast, not only offer the ability to solve tasks much faster than conventional computers; There are also many indications that they require considerably less energy to do so. To take advantage of this advantage, the Jülich Supercomputing Center is working on integrating quantum computers into its computing environment.

In various initiatives and projects, quantum computers are being combined with supercomputers tuned for performance to create hybrid systems, some of which consumers already have access to today, as Professor Crystal Michelson explained. The physicist coordinates the HPCQS project and heads the Jülich quantum computer infrastructure JUNIQ.

Participants in “Blaise Pascal”. [re]”Generative Quantum Challenge” demonstrated that quantum computers are particularly suitable for applications that promote global sustainability as part of the Fall 2023 Hackathon, which identified the following areas of application: goes to:

  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Drug development
  • Smart cities
  • Smart grids and affordable/clean energy
  • Sustainable transport, industry, and the circular economy
  • Environment, Climate and Biodiversity

More information:
Paper: Towards regenerative quantum computing with proven positive sustainability effects

Reference: Developing Doubly Sustainable Quantum Computers (2024, February 20) Retrieved February 21, 2024 from https://phys.org/news/2024-02-doubly-sustainable-quantum.html

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